


    Nailing the release in the golf swing is crucial for adding power and accuracy to your shots. The release refers to the action of your hands and wrists unhinging or “releasing” the club through the impact zone. When done correctly, it helps increase clubhead speed and directs the clubface squarely at impact, leading to straighter…

  • Golf Exercise for Better Rotation: Upper Body Mobility

    Golf Exercise for Better Rotation: Upper Body Mobility

    mproving upper body mobility is essential for a more effective and powerful golf swing. It allows for a greater range of motion, better control, and the ability to generate more speed and power through rotation. Here are some targeted exercises and stretches that can enhance your upper body mobility specifically for golf: 1. Thoracic Spine…

  • 9 REALLY SIMPLE TIPS all golfers need to know

    9 REALLY SIMPLE TIPS all golfers need to know

    Whether you’re new to golf or looking to refine your game, there are some fundamental tips that can benefit golfers at any level. Here are 9 really simple, yet essential tips every golfer should know: 1. Grip It Right The grip is your only connection to the golf club. A proper grip can make a…

  • How to Hit Irons in Golf For Beginners

    How to Hit Irons in Golf For Beginners

    Hitting irons effectively is a fundamental skill in golf, providing the precision needed to navigate the course successfully. As a beginner, mastering iron shots can feel challenging, but with the right approach and practice, you’ll see significant improvement. Here are key steps and tips to help you hit irons effectively: 1. Choose the Right Iron…

  • A beginners guide to golf course etiquette

    A beginners guide to golf course etiquette

    Starting with golf is not just about mastering the swing and understanding the rules of the game, but also about learning the etiquette that makes the sport enjoyable for everyone on the course. Golf course etiquette is crucial for maintaining the game’s traditional values of integrity, respect, and responsibility. Here’s a beginner’s guide to golf…

  • GOLF: Advanced Techniques For More Hip Rotation

    GOLF: Advanced Techniques For More Hip Rotation

    Improving hip rotation is a critical aspect of advancing your golf game because it directly influences power and control in your swing. Here are several techniques and exercises to enhance your hip rotation: 1. Understand the Mechanics 2. Increase Flexibility 3. Strengthen Your Core 4. Practice Drills 5. Use Swing Aids 6. Professional Feedback 7.…

  • This 1 Chipping Tip Changed my Golf Game Forever

    This 1 Chipping Tip Changed my Golf Game Forever

    I’m excited to share a chipping tip that can significantly change your game. Chipping, a crucial aspect of scoring in golf, often separates great players from good ones. The tip revolves around the concept of “using the bounce” of the wedge. Understanding and applying this can lead to more consistent, controlled chips around the greens.…

  • Core Exercises for Golfers: Anti-Rotation

    Core Exercises for Golfers: Anti-Rotation

    Strengthening your core is crucial for golf, as it helps improve stability, power, and control in your swing. Anti-rotation exercises are especially beneficial for golfers because they strengthen the muscles that resist unwanted twisting and turning of the torso, contributing to a more stable and efficient swing. Let’s dive into some effective core exercises tailored…

  • 6 Simple Exercises For Golfers Over 50

    6 Simple Exercises For Golfers Over 50

    Staying fit and flexible is crucial for golfers over 50 to maintain and even improve their game. Here are six simple exercises that focus on flexibility, strength, and balance, all vital for a powerful and efficient golf swing. Always remember to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new exercise routine, especially if you…

  • Golf Iron Tips For Beginners! ⛳️

    Golf Iron Tips For Beginners! ⛳️

    Mastering your irons is a crucial part of becoming a good golfer. Irons are used for a variety of shots throughout the round, from teeing off on shorter holes to approaching greens and navigating tricky hazards. Here are some foundational tips to help you get started with irons: 1. Understand Your Irons 2. The Setup…